Meet 1
In this meet we had been given what groups we were going to be in, and at this point we had to choose what song we wanted to do so we could get straight on with what we needed to do before we could start filming the video. We decided as a group that we are going to use the song "If You Cant Afford Me" by Katy Perry. We also decided that we want this to be narrative video have the main character change into different characters throughout the video so that we have completly different scenes through the video. We printed off our lyrics and annoted them discussing what and how we wanted to do the music video.
Meet 2.
In this meet we started to time each shot by looking at the lyrics and playing the song over and over again, we realised that this was going to take a long time and that we only got through half way of the lyric during an hour. However we wanted to make sure that we got each timing of the shot correct so that we didnt have to go back and make changes to the timing of each shot.
Meet 3.
We finally finished the times of each shot by using the lyrics, and then finally started to do our storyboard to give us a rough idea of how we want each shot to look like before we start to video. We got up to shot 10 by the end of the lesson.
Meet 4.
We carried on with our shots starting from shot 10 and finished with shot 20. while doing this we decided that the next time we meet we will be disscussing weather we want to keep our origianl idea or not.
Meet 5.
At this meet we decided that we are going to keep our original idea so we then carried on with our storyboard shots. Also after meet 4 we tried looking for a model of a bank that we was going to use in our video to smash but as we couldnt find one we decided that we are going to buy a piggy bank instead. In this meet we did from shot 20 - 40 in our storyboard.
Meet 6.
We carried on with our storyboard starting with shot 41. In this meet we decided to keep the goth look but also have the charater in a rock chick look aswell. In this meet we got up to shot 53.
Meet 7
We started to video some of our storyboardup to 52. We have also carried on with the storyboard itself from shot 54. We have decided in this meet that we are going to change one of the rides from the train to a motor bike as we thought that it would be more suitable for the goth/rock chick look. Me and Ellie have been carrying on with the storyboard while leonie has started to edit the storyboard on the computer. We got up to shot 79 in this meet. We are hoping to finish the storyboard next time we meet while doing the editing. Leonie edited from shot 1-16 from our storyboard.
Meet 8.
We had me and Ellie film the rest of the storyboard while leonie edited to shot 26. The shots that we had filmed were way to wide so they had to be re-filmed so they looked a lot better when being edited.
Meet 9.
Our filming of the storyboard had been filmed over so we had to refilm and capture onto the software so that we wouldnt have to lose it again and then wouldnt have to refilm.
Meet 10.
Leonie had taught me and Ellie how to edit the storyboard on the computer so me and Ellie could continue to edit.
Meet 11.
We carried on editing the storyboard starting from shot 35-69.
Meet 12.
In this meet we finally finished editing the storyboard, while i was finishing this Ellie started to practice filming Leonie lipsinking. We had to film this a couple of times foe more practice. We then captured the filming onto the comuper and put the song to the filming so that Leonies voice was cut out so that the lipsinking was to the music.
Meet 13.
In this meet we finished off the lipsinking and then uploaded the video onto youtube so that we were able to load the video onto the blog.
Meet 14.
We uploaded the storyboard video onto youtube and then uploaded the videos onto our blogs.
Meet 15.
In this meet we started to plan out our filming schedule, we got together all of our timetables, including the actors so we could see where we all had free lessons at the same time or where we could film at a good oppotunity during the week. We only discussed about the school week and still need to talk about when we are free after school and at the weekends. I think that we are all free on a saturday so we are thinking of doing most of our filming on them days.
Meet 16.
In this meet we have uploaded our blogs by updating the recent things we have done to plan for filming our music video also we have sorted the shots so that we know what shots need to be filmed in what setting. So when it comes to filming we wont get confused by mixing all of the shots up realising that we might have missed a shot in a certain setting. We have done this so that we are organised and that it will make filming a lot easer for us when it comes to the time.
Meet 17.
We started to plan what we were going to do for the first shots in our music video, and decided that we wouldn start with the group of shots in the setting of the drama hall. We have been planning what costumes the characters need to wear and and the props that we need so that we are prepared for shooting.
Meet 18:
It was the thursday we had decided to film so we went to ask the drama department if we would be able to borrow the drama hall that evening. However the school was holding the annual careers convention which meant the room was in use so we wouldnt be able to film. This made us realise we should probaly check locations more in advance.
Meet 19:
In our Media lesson we decided that we would film the shot that was against the lockers as it was the only shot in its location. We already had the props in school as we meant to film the night before. We did my make up and got the actors we needed before we started to film. Me and Ellie were filming as I am in the video, we did quite a few takes for this shot as we were still getting used to bringing everything together. We then captured this to the computer and decided me and Leonie would film the motorbike shots with my Dad's bike on the Sunday.
Meet 20.
Leonie had all her make up done by a friend studying make up at college. Then me and Leonie met at the libary in Ongar so they could film our motorbike shots with a nice background. They were very lucky as it was a beautiful day, although they had to take this into consideration when deciding where to exactly place the bike. They decided here to use the prop of the leather biker jacket to add a different effect to the shot. Filming went really well with them doing 3 attempts of each shot meaning they would later be able to pick which one's looked the best. They managed to get the shots they needed while taking photo's for evidence on our blogs in about an hour.
Meet 21.
We arrived in our Media lesson and captured our shots to the editing software, at this poit we couldn't wait to edit our shots to the music and see how well they had come out. Overall we were very pleased with how the setting and props looked for this section and how the lip syncing fiited in with the vocals of the music. Here we also uploaded the pictures of the shoot to the computer and all our blogs.
Meet 22.
In this meet we showed our first section to others ad decided that for this verse there wasn't much variety in our shot types as we were keeping them all quite long to include the bike. Luckily me and Leonie had filmed one of the shots in a close up aswell to see how it looked so we are going to use this instead. Today we also began to start up our star's myspace account.
Meet 23.
We got told that we needed to make a filming schedule, so leonie and Ellie started to make it from the two shoots that we have already done.
Meet 24:
We decdied that with the weather this day it would be best to film the shots that are inside at my house. We were going to film the shots that are in my room however we decided to change this shot from the orignal in our storyboard as we didn't feel it worked. When we arrived at Leonies house we filmed these shots over a few times, but when watching them back on the camera we decided we wasn't happy with the lighting. Next lesson we are going to try and change the contrast on editting.
Meet 25:
As we caputured the shots from Leonies house on the computer the lighting actually looked a lot better. We decided to just edit the shots to the music and then when the video is completed we will see if we need to change the lighting. We looked at our free schedule and decided that tomorrow we could film during and after our double media lesson. In the first hour we organised props and borrowed a skatboard from a boy in our class. In the second hour we will go to the skate park and start to film.
Meet 26:
We got ready to do our filming and headed to the skate park at king georges. We had a bit of a disaster as we forgot the tripod so had to go back to school and get it. Other than this the shoot was alot of fun. I had to try and practice on the skateboard which made us all laugh alot. We managed to be quite lucky with the lighting although it was quite cold. We varied our shots from the storyboard a bit although keeping the main ideas. Luckily we finished our final shot just as it started to rain. We also made sure we took lots of pictures that we could use for our digi pack and myspace acount.
Meet 27:
We captured all of our filming from the day before onto the adobe premier software as well as uploading the picture we took from the shoot. Then me and ellie began to edit the video although we diddnt get it finished as we spent lots of time getting the lip syncing in time.
Meet 28:
Leonie came back in a free lesson to edit some more of the skater shots she managed to put them in the right places however we will still need to go over these more closely.
Meet 29:
We were going out to film the allsorts shots, this meant me and leonie and went to get some cherries after asking permission to film in allsorts. As we went into allsorts we brought the milkshake and cupcakes. Then we found out our camera had low battery so we had to be quite efficent about filming and not waste time. We also managed to get a few photos that would be a possiblity in our digipack.
Meet 30:
We uploaded the photos and captured the video footage to our editing software. Then we took turns to edit it while uploading the pictures to our blog. We had just editied our allsorts shots into the right places when the system crashed without saving our work so we had to start the whole process again. We now know to save while we are going along!!!!
Meet 31:
We had our media lesson before lunch so we decided to go to leonies house and film the for me shots against leonies wall as we thought the pattern would look much better and when we tested this we decided we were right. We had the for me shots as a variety of close ups and mid shots. After filming these we decided to film the shots of leonie and the bar. I'm quite pleased with how well these shots came out given the amount of time we had to do them. I also think that both the backgrounds look effective.
Meet 32:
Me and Ellie spent the lesson editing all the stuff we had filmed into the music video so that when we filmed more shots it made it easier to see what we still needed to film. We also corrected the problem with the skater shots by slowing down the shot as we saw that Leonie was singing to fast.
Meet 33
We spent our double media lesson editing still and correcting the bar shots as they were a bit out of time and also the shots didnt flow together well.
Meet 34:
We decided that in this meet we would go to king georges and film the car shots and add joe to these so he is waiting for me by the car. These shot were going well although unfortunately the camera ran out of battery. While we were all still avaliable we went to school and charged the camera whilst filming the smashing of the piggy bank shot. This was a lot of pressure as we only had one piggy bank so one chane to do it. Luckily this all went to plan!
Meet 35:
When we captured the previous nights footage we were all really pleased with the smashing of the piggy bank especially when it was slowed down. The first car shots were good however we will have to refilm them because of the camera dieing. Leonie and Ellie began to look through all our pictures to decide what would work well on the digipack whilst I did our stars facebook. The fact we had taken lots of pictures made picking a good quality one a lot easier so we were all happy about this.
Meet 36:
Today we filmed our shots in the drama hall. This was alot of fun as we got to through our monopoly money around although it took us extra long as all the money had to be sweeped up again and again. We decided to do a shot of the camera moving around so our video appeared kess static.
Meet 37:
Leonie and Ellie got ready to go and film at her friends stable for the horse shots. When we got there it was quite a foggy day but we decided to film anyway. We filmed lots of different shots as we diddn't want to have to go back. However we had a disaster as we filmed pover some of our drama hall shots. Other than this the filming went well and we got lotrs of shots.
Meet 38:
We meet up in the media room to capture all our footage. The horse shots seemed really light so we are going to fiddle around with these in editing to get a better quality.
Meet 39:
Today we spent lots of time editting as we had lots of shots that were just about and it was making it hard work. We also began to start our digipack looking at template fonts and thinking of some alternative track ideas.
Meet 40:
After looking at the complete part of our video with the shots and locatios we syill had to film we decided that our video might appear to be quite jumpy from place to place. This made me come up with the idea of using the patterened wall as more of a feature in our video and have these shots as continous the whole way through and stringing our video together. We decided to film these shots straight away at the weekend. This lesson I also set up our myspace account picking a back ground with colours and sweets as I feel this represents our artist well.
Meet 41:
The girls arrived at my house and we began to move the furniture in my bedroom so we could film against the wall. Then we picked four different dresses for me to wear so we had a variety of choice. We made sure that we overfilmed so that we wouldn't have to come and move all the furniture again. As we were going to use these shots throughou the video we decided just to play the song and have me singing and dancing for the duration. We did this twice in each outfit.
Meet 42:
We captured the shots from my house on to the edittig software. We then discussed wether or not the four costumes would make these shots more cofusing so we may just stick to one outfit as we still have many shots for this. The outfit we went for was the pink dress as these shots came out a lot better.
Meet 43:
We began to cut the shots and postion them in the gaps of our video. This meant it was really starting to fill up which we were happy about. However we decided that we must redo the drama hall shots as its obvious where it is and looks extremely unprofessional. I continued working on the didgi pack deciding on the names for our songs. After discussing the first image we had for the digipack and what it looked like we decided on a new idea that would be to have the lyrics written on a mirror.
Meet 2.
In this meet we started to time each shot by looking at the lyrics and playing the song over and over again, we realised that this was going to take a long time and that we only got through half way of the lyric during an hour. However we wanted to make sure that we got each timing of the shot correct so that we didnt have to go back and make changes to the timing of each shot.
Meet 3.
We finally finished the times of each shot by using the lyrics, and then finally started to do our storyboard to give us a rough idea of how we want each shot to look like before we start to video. We got up to shot 10 by the end of the lesson.
Meet 4.
We carried on with our shots starting from shot 10 and finished with shot 20. while doing this we decided that the next time we meet we will be disscussing weather we want to keep our origianl idea or not.
Meet 5.
At this meet we decided that we are going to keep our original idea so we then carried on with our storyboard shots. Also after meet 4 we tried looking for a model of a bank that we was going to use in our video to smash but as we couldnt find one we decided that we are going to buy a piggy bank instead. In this meet we did from shot 20 - 40 in our storyboard.
Meet 6.
We carried on with our storyboard starting with shot 41. In this meet we decided to keep the goth look but also have the charater in a rock chick look aswell. In this meet we got up to shot 53.
Meet 7
We started to video some of our storyboardup to 52. We have also carried on with the storyboard itself from shot 54. We have decided in this meet that we are going to change one of the rides from the train to a motor bike as we thought that it would be more suitable for the goth/rock chick look. Me and Ellie have been carrying on with the storyboard while leonie has started to edit the storyboard on the computer. We got up to shot 79 in this meet. We are hoping to finish the storyboard next time we meet while doing the editing. Leonie edited from shot 1-16 from our storyboard.
Meet 8.
We had me and Ellie film the rest of the storyboard while leonie edited to shot 26. The shots that we had filmed were way to wide so they had to be re-filmed so they looked a lot better when being edited.
Meet 9.
Our filming of the storyboard had been filmed over so we had to refilm and capture onto the software so that we wouldnt have to lose it again and then wouldnt have to refilm.
Meet 10.
Leonie had taught me and Ellie how to edit the storyboard on the computer so me and Ellie could continue to edit.
Meet 11.
We carried on editing the storyboard starting from shot 35-69.
Meet 12.
In this meet we finally finished editing the storyboard, while i was finishing this Ellie started to practice filming Leonie lipsinking. We had to film this a couple of times foe more practice. We then captured the filming onto the comuper and put the song to the filming so that Leonies voice was cut out so that the lipsinking was to the music.
Meet 13.
In this meet we finished off the lipsinking and then uploaded the video onto youtube so that we were able to load the video onto the blog.
Meet 14.
We uploaded the storyboard video onto youtube and then uploaded the videos onto our blogs.
Meet 15.
In this meet we started to plan out our filming schedule, we got together all of our timetables, including the actors so we could see where we all had free lessons at the same time or where we could film at a good oppotunity during the week. We only discussed about the school week and still need to talk about when we are free after school and at the weekends. I think that we are all free on a saturday so we are thinking of doing most of our filming on them days.
Meet 16.
In this meet we have uploaded our blogs by updating the recent things we have done to plan for filming our music video also we have sorted the shots so that we know what shots need to be filmed in what setting. So when it comes to filming we wont get confused by mixing all of the shots up realising that we might have missed a shot in a certain setting. We have done this so that we are organised and that it will make filming a lot easer for us when it comes to the time.
Meet 17.
We started to plan what we were going to do for the first shots in our music video, and decided that we wouldn start with the group of shots in the setting of the drama hall. We have been planning what costumes the characters need to wear and and the props that we need so that we are prepared for shooting.
Meet 18:
It was the thursday we had decided to film so we went to ask the drama department if we would be able to borrow the drama hall that evening. However the school was holding the annual careers convention which meant the room was in use so we wouldnt be able to film. This made us realise we should probaly check locations more in advance.
Meet 19:
In our Media lesson we decided that we would film the shot that was against the lockers as it was the only shot in its location. We already had the props in school as we meant to film the night before. We did my make up and got the actors we needed before we started to film. Me and Ellie were filming as I am in the video, we did quite a few takes for this shot as we were still getting used to bringing everything together. We then captured this to the computer and decided me and Leonie would film the motorbike shots with my Dad's bike on the Sunday.
Meet 20.
Leonie had all her make up done by a friend studying make up at college. Then me and Leonie met at the libary in Ongar so they could film our motorbike shots with a nice background. They were very lucky as it was a beautiful day, although they had to take this into consideration when deciding where to exactly place the bike. They decided here to use the prop of the leather biker jacket to add a different effect to the shot. Filming went really well with them doing 3 attempts of each shot meaning they would later be able to pick which one's looked the best. They managed to get the shots they needed while taking photo's for evidence on our blogs in about an hour.
Meet 21.
We arrived in our Media lesson and captured our shots to the editing software, at this poit we couldn't wait to edit our shots to the music and see how well they had come out. Overall we were very pleased with how the setting and props looked for this section and how the lip syncing fiited in with the vocals of the music. Here we also uploaded the pictures of the shoot to the computer and all our blogs.
Meet 22.
In this meet we showed our first section to others ad decided that for this verse there wasn't much variety in our shot types as we were keeping them all quite long to include the bike. Luckily me and Leonie had filmed one of the shots in a close up aswell to see how it looked so we are going to use this instead. Today we also began to start up our star's myspace account.
Meet 23.
We got told that we needed to make a filming schedule, so leonie and Ellie started to make it from the two shoots that we have already done.
Meet 24:
We decdied that with the weather this day it would be best to film the shots that are inside at my house. We were going to film the shots that are in my room however we decided to change this shot from the orignal in our storyboard as we didn't feel it worked. When we arrived at Leonies house we filmed these shots over a few times, but when watching them back on the camera we decided we wasn't happy with the lighting. Next lesson we are going to try and change the contrast on editting.
Meet 25:
As we caputured the shots from Leonies house on the computer the lighting actually looked a lot better. We decided to just edit the shots to the music and then when the video is completed we will see if we need to change the lighting. We looked at our free schedule and decided that tomorrow we could film during and after our double media lesson. In the first hour we organised props and borrowed a skatboard from a boy in our class. In the second hour we will go to the skate park and start to film.
Meet 26:
We got ready to do our filming and headed to the skate park at king georges. We had a bit of a disaster as we forgot the tripod so had to go back to school and get it. Other than this the shoot was alot of fun. I had to try and practice on the skateboard which made us all laugh alot. We managed to be quite lucky with the lighting although it was quite cold. We varied our shots from the storyboard a bit although keeping the main ideas. Luckily we finished our final shot just as it started to rain. We also made sure we took lots of pictures that we could use for our digi pack and myspace acount.
Meet 27:
We captured all of our filming from the day before onto the adobe premier software as well as uploading the picture we took from the shoot. Then me and ellie began to edit the video although we diddnt get it finished as we spent lots of time getting the lip syncing in time.
Meet 28:
Leonie came back in a free lesson to edit some more of the skater shots she managed to put them in the right places however we will still need to go over these more closely.
Meet 29:
We were going out to film the allsorts shots, this meant me and leonie and went to get some cherries after asking permission to film in allsorts. As we went into allsorts we brought the milkshake and cupcakes. Then we found out our camera had low battery so we had to be quite efficent about filming and not waste time. We also managed to get a few photos that would be a possiblity in our digipack.
Meet 30:
We uploaded the photos and captured the video footage to our editing software. Then we took turns to edit it while uploading the pictures to our blog. We had just editied our allsorts shots into the right places when the system crashed without saving our work so we had to start the whole process again. We now know to save while we are going along!!!!
Meet 31:
We had our media lesson before lunch so we decided to go to leonies house and film the for me shots against leonies wall as we thought the pattern would look much better and when we tested this we decided we were right. We had the for me shots as a variety of close ups and mid shots. After filming these we decided to film the shots of leonie and the bar. I'm quite pleased with how well these shots came out given the amount of time we had to do them. I also think that both the backgrounds look effective.
Meet 32:
Me and Ellie spent the lesson editing all the stuff we had filmed into the music video so that when we filmed more shots it made it easier to see what we still needed to film. We also corrected the problem with the skater shots by slowing down the shot as we saw that Leonie was singing to fast.
Meet 33
We spent our double media lesson editing still and correcting the bar shots as they were a bit out of time and also the shots didnt flow together well.
Meet 34:
We decided that in this meet we would go to king georges and film the car shots and add joe to these so he is waiting for me by the car. These shot were going well although unfortunately the camera ran out of battery. While we were all still avaliable we went to school and charged the camera whilst filming the smashing of the piggy bank shot. This was a lot of pressure as we only had one piggy bank so one chane to do it. Luckily this all went to plan!
Meet 35:
When we captured the previous nights footage we were all really pleased with the smashing of the piggy bank especially when it was slowed down. The first car shots were good however we will have to refilm them because of the camera dieing. Leonie and Ellie began to look through all our pictures to decide what would work well on the digipack whilst I did our stars facebook. The fact we had taken lots of pictures made picking a good quality one a lot easier so we were all happy about this.
Meet 36:
Today we filmed our shots in the drama hall. This was alot of fun as we got to through our monopoly money around although it took us extra long as all the money had to be sweeped up again and again. We decided to do a shot of the camera moving around so our video appeared kess static.
Meet 37:
Leonie and Ellie got ready to go and film at her friends stable for the horse shots. When we got there it was quite a foggy day but we decided to film anyway. We filmed lots of different shots as we diddn't want to have to go back. However we had a disaster as we filmed pover some of our drama hall shots. Other than this the filming went well and we got lotrs of shots.
Meet 38:
We meet up in the media room to capture all our footage. The horse shots seemed really light so we are going to fiddle around with these in editing to get a better quality.
Meet 39:
Today we spent lots of time editting as we had lots of shots that were just about and it was making it hard work. We also began to start our digipack looking at template fonts and thinking of some alternative track ideas.
Meet 40:
After looking at the complete part of our video with the shots and locatios we syill had to film we decided that our video might appear to be quite jumpy from place to place. This made me come up with the idea of using the patterened wall as more of a feature in our video and have these shots as continous the whole way through and stringing our video together. We decided to film these shots straight away at the weekend. This lesson I also set up our myspace account picking a back ground with colours and sweets as I feel this represents our artist well.
Meet 41:
The girls arrived at my house and we began to move the furniture in my bedroom so we could film against the wall. Then we picked four different dresses for me to wear so we had a variety of choice. We made sure that we overfilmed so that we wouldn't have to come and move all the furniture again. As we were going to use these shots throughou the video we decided just to play the song and have me singing and dancing for the duration. We did this twice in each outfit.
Meet 42:
We captured the shots from my house on to the edittig software. We then discussed wether or not the four costumes would make these shots more cofusing so we may just stick to one outfit as we still have many shots for this. The outfit we went for was the pink dress as these shots came out a lot better.
Meet 43:
We began to cut the shots and postion them in the gaps of our video. This meant it was really starting to fill up which we were happy about. However we decided that we must redo the drama hall shots as its obvious where it is and looks extremely unprofessional. I continued working on the didgi pack deciding on the names for our songs. After discussing the first image we had for the digipack and what it looked like we decided on a new idea that would be to have the lyrics written on a mirror.
Meet 44:
After our decision to change our idea for the digipack we went to my house and took lots of pictures of me so we would have a variety to choose from. This went well although it was hard getting the right angle with the mirror to avoid having the camera in the reflection.
Meet 45:
We uploaded our photographs and began to remake the back of the digipack. When doing this we realised that the words didn't appear very clear. Then we came up with the idea to zoom right in and trace the eyeliner with the paint tool. This made the writing very clear and gave a good look as well.
Meet 46:
Today we spent lots of time testing out different contrasts in our horse shots however none these seemed to do anything to save them. We then realised that we would have to re film them or fill the gaps with shots we already had. We were really gutted about this as we had spent a lot of time filming them.
Meet 47:
Today we refilmed the horse shots, it was quite bright however lightly raining. Due to the earlier set back with the horse shots we needed to film anyway. Luckily the rain was really light so this diddn't effect our shots although we had to keep wiping the lense. With the weather conditions the way they were we were lucky enough to see a rainbow and even get it on film.
Meet 48:
We captured these horse shots to the software and they were a much better quality than the ones before. As we cut these shots and added them to the music video we also added the shots of the rainbow as our video has girly fun look to it this shot worked really well!
Meet 49:
Today all of our shots were positioned making our video look complete however we still had to swap the drama hall shots as the rest of our video is in well thought out locations and these shots look very unprofessional. After discussing what we could add in the gap without being very repetative we decided to use a shot from each outfit at my house and one of the poses that I was doing.
Meet 50:
We had to render our video from the editting software and then upload this to youtube. Once the video was on youtube we took the embed code and put the video on to the blogs. I then typed up a questionnaire for our audience feedback before playing the video to others.
Meet 51:
Today we showed our video to other students and filmed while they watched and then answered our questionnaires. I was quite happy with the outcome and that lots of people had positive things to say about the video. We then captured this footage and each picked which evaluation question we would do and decided to all work together on the audience feedback question.
Meet 52:
Leonie wrote the answer to my evaluation question at home and began thinking of different ways in which I could have this. I then decided it would work well if I placed the whole evaluation on to a prezi account so I began to learn how to use this adding my evaluation question straight onto it.
Meet 53:
In our next media lesson Leonie said that she would do the audience feedback question whilst me and ellie finished our evaluations. Leonie wrote out a script that I could then be filmed saying so we could use the audio alongside the footage of people watching our video and add audience comments to the end. Once this was captured I began to edit it together.
Meet 54:
Leonie and Ellie stayed after school to work more on our evaluations as ellie's was also goingto be a video meaning it took more time to edit.
Meet 55:
We looked at my powerpoint today and decided that it was quite boring and needed more pictures. Leonie finished editing the audience feedback question and rendered it before uploading it to you tube and then to the Prezi.
Meet 56:
We all stayed after school again to finish Ellie's evaluation and so I could make changes to my powerpoint. Leonie then tried uploading the powerpoint to prezi as a video or file however it doesn't take this type of file so instead she had to upload the video to her slideshare account and then copy a link to this onto the prezi.
Meet 57:
Ellie finished her evaluation question so we then rendered and uploaded it to you tube meaning it was ready to go on our prezi. Once all evaluation questions were uploaded onto the prezi Leonie and Ellie decided to add our finished video to it aswell in the centre so it could be watched on the prezi as well.
Meet 50:
We had to render our video from the editting software and then upload this to youtube. Once the video was on youtube we took the embed code and put the video on to the blogs. I then typed up a questionnaire for our audience feedback before playing the video to others.
Meet 51:
Today we showed our video to other students and filmed while they watched and then answered our questionnaires. I was quite happy with the outcome and that lots of people had positive things to say about the video. We then captured this footage and each picked which evaluation question we would do and decided to all work together on the audience feedback question.
Meet 52:
Leonie wrote the answer to my evaluation question at home and began thinking of different ways in which I could have this. I then decided it would work well if I placed the whole evaluation on to a prezi account so I began to learn how to use this adding my evaluation question straight onto it.
Meet 53:
In our next media lesson Leonie said that she would do the audience feedback question whilst me and ellie finished our evaluations. Leonie wrote out a script that I could then be filmed saying so we could use the audio alongside the footage of people watching our video and add audience comments to the end. Once this was captured I began to edit it together.
Meet 54:
Leonie and Ellie stayed after school to work more on our evaluations as ellie's was also goingto be a video meaning it took more time to edit.
Meet 55:
We looked at my powerpoint today and decided that it was quite boring and needed more pictures. Leonie finished editing the audience feedback question and rendered it before uploading it to you tube and then to the Prezi.
Meet 56:
We all stayed after school again to finish Ellie's evaluation and so I could make changes to my powerpoint. Leonie then tried uploading the powerpoint to prezi as a video or file however it doesn't take this type of file so instead she had to upload the video to her slideshare account and then copy a link to this onto the prezi.
Meet 57:
Ellie finished her evaluation question so we then rendered and uploaded it to you tube meaning it was ready to go on our prezi. Once all evaluation questions were uploaded onto the prezi Leonie and Ellie decided to add our finished video to it aswell in the centre so it could be watched on the prezi as well.
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